TripleBlue Pharma Consulting, Lda

TripleBlue Pharma Consulting, Lda. is a new pharma project that was born from the synergy of the two founder partners by applying the knowledge acquired over several years within the Pharmaceutical Consulting business area, namely in Medicinal and Health Products.

Although quite recent the project is based on more than 15 years of professional experience in the Pharmaceutical Consultancy business market by embracing different functions, from the technical and operational, commercial to the management not only on locally but also international. The company is located in Lisbon to provide a global support from the capital city of the country and where the agencies and official entities are present.

The partners background of 18 and 14 years, comprises the Consultancy Business in different areas as regulatory, logistic, technical direction, market access, products distribution, quality assurance and compliance, medical writing and pharmacovigilance of medicinal products and health products, including food supplements, medical devices, cosmetics and biocides.

The present project thus constitutes a natural development of our personal and professional paths, which is also based and aims to capitalize our academic, professional and personal experiences. Our academic and professional experience have always been complemented with specific professional training, particularly in technical domains.

We are passionate by the pharmaceutical sector and by the broad knowledge it demands, from the initial development of a Medicinal Product or a Health Product, to the organization of the dossier and until the final step is reached, namely the maintenance in the market and its vigilance. It is in fact this diversity and contents encompassing that moves us and allows the synergy as founders of a common project.

If you are looking for solid experienced consulting support though always ready to provide strategic and innovative ideas, we are sure that we can be a suitable partner for your needs.